Moving to Oklahoma City can be a manic and anxiety filled time for anyone involved, but some organization and readiness can make it less nerve-racking. Formulating a plan will provide you a key to follow and help the move go without a hitch. We have put together ten tips to help make your moving process simpler.
1. Plan as Far in Advance as Possible
It never hurts to get in front of the process and begin planning your move. Begin searching for a professional moving company and pick a date for the move. If you are going to use professional packers, be sure to tell them everything that needs to be packed so they can be ready. Start pondering about how you will organize everything and create a plan of the move in your brain.
2. Put Your Things by Category
The move to Oklahoma City will go much quicker if you arrange your stuff by category. It is easiest to commence with your clothes, because you will find items that you will want to donate, which means less to move. You can also quickly sift through your books, papers, movies, and other miscellaneous items.
3. Get Rid of Stuff You Do Not Need or Want
Most people own lots of unused or unnecessary items. You will have fewer things to pack by eliminating the things that you aren’t a necessity. The earlier you designate these belongings, the easier the boxing and moving will be later.
4. Call for a Donation Pickup
You know all of those belongings you own that are no longer a necessity or unnecessary? You can give many of those items to a worthy cause, and many of the charitable organizations will even come pick them up for free. Giving your gently used things to charity will make you feel helpful, and it can also possibly be used as a tax write off.
5. Purchase Supplies Ahead of Time
You are going to need boxes, tape, paper, bubble wrap, and many other supplies. Don't wait until the final minute to buy those things, but instead be prepared ahead of time. Write down a list of all the supplies that you will need for your move, and gather the items in one visit to the store to save yourself time and anxiety. You should also doucle check to see if you still own the original boxes to many of your items to save yourself the time and expense of purchasing new boxes.
6. Schedule the Right Moving Day
Ponder on all of the possible moving days and select the day that will be best and leat expensive for you. Find out which day you will have the most help and which day will be the best for the movers too.
7. Schedule Disconnect Times
You most likely have cable, water, power, internet, gas, and other services. All of those services need to be shut off prior to your move, and it is good to give them a notice at least a week ahead of time. You may also need to take a little extra time gathering cords, remotes, cable boxes, routers, and other things that the companies will want to retrieve at the time of cut off.
8. Begin Packing and Labeling Boxes
Start packing your belongings as soon as possible to give yourself the most amount of time to complete the process. Packing just a little at a time can be less exasperating and make your move go more smoothly. The key to locating your belongings after the move is labeling the boxes correctly. Label the boxes by category to find things with ease and label the sides of boxes instead of the tops.
9. Think About What to do with Plants and Pets
Start figuring out what you will do with live plants and pets. You will need to decide on transportation for pets and take your pets to the veterinarian if necessary. Moving live plants can sometimes be tricky, because they need the proper amount of sunlight and water. If you prefer, live plants can either be given to friends or family, or sometimes, they can be donated to local charities to avoid having to relocate them.
10. Perform Last Minute Checks
The day of and before moving, check closets, cabinets and corners of every room to be sure everything has been packed. Also, be sure things like the water, furnace, air conditioner and lights are all turned off and windows and doors are shut and locked.
These are just a few tips to help make your move to Oklahoma City less difficult with fewer problems. It is best to be prepared and plan well in advance to avoid any headaches. If you follow these suggestions throughout the move process, you will be able to move worry-free.