For many organizations, the day arrives when moving your company seems like the right thing to do. If you are searching for a bigger workforce, lower operating budget, or tax enhancements, moving becomes vital for a profitable future. However if you are like most COOs or CEOs, and the concept of packing up your company site, your house, and your lives is just more than you even want to think about, click your heels 3 times and contact A-1 Freeman Moving Group. We admit that we cannot actually pick up homes and place them down in Oz, we can handle your corporate move to Oklahoma City from start to finish--with one contact to serve as the person in charge of all aspects of your move.
The single point of contact concept has become prominent with lots of businesses, so why not with corporate relocation? You'll have one name to remember--that of the remarkably experienced person who oversees everything from confirming dates to the tools needed to disassemble your office cubicles.
Office Moving
Even if you're not moving the water cooler and potted plants, moving your corporate offices involves relocating your records, and frequently your IT systems--even if you're obtaining new cubicles and furniture. Your move coordinator will confer with the correct team to plan for disassembling the office if you're moving your cubes, desks, chairs, and those plants, with your IT department to be sure your devices are is properly backed up, packed, and reassembled at the new office, and professionally and safely keep your equipment and inventory during transit. A-1 Freeman Moving Group also can provide record management that is HIPAA approved with the most up-to-date technology to retrieve your data swiftly.
The actual move is normally the most agonizing portion of the relocation process--the concept of packing up containers at the office and at home is overwhelming for even the most hardy souls, but when you employ the right moving company, all you have to do is meet with your move coordinator to determine the packing supplies you will require, the teams necessary to pack, break down, and load, and figure out how this will all jive within your relocation budget. You will also have the opportunity to add specialty crew, like IT specialists who are adept at safely moving your servers and making sure your cabling is perfect once you're in the new office. The same approach applies if you possess bulky equipment or items to move—professionals join the moving crew to ensure a safe, non-eventful process--from breaking down to re-assembly and verifying to make sure everything is in acceptable working order.
Employee Relocation
Asking your employees to uproot their families is huge; you need to do whatever you can to be sure that you are doing everything possible to make the process worry-free--you don't want to unnerve your valued employees because you didn't pay attention to the specifics.
A big portion of a relocation is selling a residence and buying another one--if at all possible, work with a corporate relocation company to help with the transition. By utilizing Sirva’s Moving Extras program, transferees can get real estate services, such as marketing the transferee’s residence, finding a new residence and help locating temporary housing while utilizing A-1 Freeman Moving Group as the household goods relocation provider. Then, your workers will be able to concentrate on the important stuff, like getting their families signed up into new schools and soccer teams, and figuring out their new way to the office.
When you give your employees this level of care for their move, they can rest soundly-- knowing that the specifics of packing up and loading trucks, and then unloading and putting the dressers back together--are all taken care of. Full service moving really means just that--from estimating the exact number of boxes that you will need, to handling the details of customs if your move is international. Hiring a truly professional moving company gives you the bandwidth to focus on what is in the future for your company in Oklahoma City, with the certainty of knowing the relocation is in good hands.